Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

pratya LLC("Company") establishes the following privacy policy and sets up a management system for the protection of personal information, striving to ensure responsible handling as a corporation.

1. Acquisition and Use of Personal Information

Company will acquire personal information with a clearly defined purpose and will use the information only within the scope of that purpose.

2. Management and Protection of Personal Information

Company endeavors to implement appropriate security measures to prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of personal information under its management. Company will take prompt corrective actions in the event of an issue. Except with user consent, Company will not disclose or provide personal data to third parties as a general rule.

3. Compliance with Laws and Norms

Company will comply with applicable laws, government guidelines, and other norms concerning the handling of personal information under its management.

4. Handling Inquiries and Complaints

Company will promptly respond to inquiries and complaints regarding personal information under its management.

5. Continuous Improvement of Personal Information Protection Management System and Mechanisms

Company will continuously improve the management system and mechanisms concerning the protection of personal information.

Personal Information Handling Procedures
1. Purpose

These procedures are established to ensure that Company appropriately collects, stores, uses, and provides personal information, maintains such information securely and in an up-to-date condition, and disposes of it properly to secure the privacy and security of individuals and personal information.

2. Definitions

"Personal Information" refers to information about individuals, including users (as defined in the Terms of Use as users of the anomaly detection service provided by Company), business partners, and employees. This encompasses information that can identify an individual through means such as name, address, telephone number, email address, and other textual, visual, or auditory representations.

3. Personal Information Management Officer and Contact Information

The Personal Information Management Officer and their contact details are as follows:

pratya LLC
Personal Information Management Officer: Yasuhiro Ikeda

* Please note that we cannot accept inquiries made in person at our office.

4. Purpose and Scope of Personal Information Collection

The purposes for which Company uses personal information are as follows:

  1. to provide this service;
  2. to respond to inquiries and consultations;
  3. for communication and announcements;
  4. to verify user registration information;
  5. to contact for surveys, campaigns, and other information dissemination;
  6. to recruit and register monitors and interviewees for article creation, and to contact selected participants;
  7. to investigate usage and false information registration by those engaging in business possibly competing with the prohibited businesses defined in the Terms of Use;
  8. to process information into a format that does not identify individuals for the creation of statistical and analytical data;
  9. to outsource operations to external parties with appropriate protective measures for the operation of our business; or
  10. in addition to the above purposes, to provide and execute this service and other services operated by Company.
5. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

As a general rule, Company will not disclose personal information to third parties without the explicit consent of the user concerned. Disclosure to third parties will only occur with the user's consent, after specifying the recipients and the content of the information to be provided. However, personal information may be disclosed without the user's consent in the following circumstances:

  1. when disclosure or provision is permitted by law;
  2. when it is determined that the user's actions may infringe the benefits of a third party;
  3. when requested by courts, prosecutors, police, bar associations, consumer centers, or similar entities to disclose personal information;
  4. when it is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children, and obtaining the user’s consent is difficult;
  5. when necessary to cooperate with national agencies or local public organizations, or their agents, in executing tasks prescribed by law, and obtaining the user’s consent could impede the execution of these tasks, as determined by Company;
  6. when explicitly requested by the user to disclose or provide their personal information to third parties;
  7. when outsourcing all or part of personal information handling tasks is necessary to achieve the purpose of use, within the necessary scope.
  8. in the event of a business succession due to a merger or other reasons; or
  9. when disclosure is within the legitimate scope of the Company’s operations and does not risk infringing the interests of the individuals concerned.
6. Disclaimer

Company shall not be liable for the acquisition of personal information by third parties in the following cases:

  1. when the user themselves discloses their personal information to a third party;
  2. when personal identification is made through information entered by the user or another user within the Company’s service;
  3. when the user provides their personal information on external sites linked from the Company’s service, or when a third party uses such personal information; or
  4. when someone other than the user obtains information that can identify the user (such as ID or password).
7. Management of Personal Information by Third Parties

Personal information provided to third parties based on the user's consent will be managed under the responsibility of each respective third party recipient.

8. Outsourcing of Personal Information Handling

Company may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use. When outsourcing the handling of personal information, Company will select appropriate contractors and will endeavor to ensure that personal information is managed securely.

9. Accuracy of Personal Information

Company will endeavor to accurately process the personal information provided. However, the user is responsible for ensuring that the personal information provided is accurate and up-to-date.

10. Use of Statistical Data

Company may create statistical data processed in such a way that individual users cannot be identified, based on the personal information provided by users. Company may use such anonymized statistical data without any restrictions.

11. Modification and Disclosure Requests for Personal Information

As a rule, only the individual user may request the disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of use, and cessation of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure, etc.") of their registered personal information. Actions such as deletion or suspension of use of personal information may result in the user being unable to receive services they are currently using. Furthermore, if complying with a request for disclosure, etc., falls under any of the following scenarios, Company will explain to the user that it is unable to comply with the request and provide the reasons why:

  1. if there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the user or a third party;
  2. if there is a significant likelihood of impeding the proper execution of Company's operations; or
  3. if it would result in a violation of laws.
12. Changes to Personal Information Handling Procedures

Company may modify these Personal Information Handling Procedures at any time, except as otherwise provided by law.

Enacted on May 1, 2024